This week our theme was "All About Me". We learned that God created each of us in a very special way! We read lots of stories. Some were silly and some were about different feelings we may have. We discussed different eye and hair color and they were introduced to measurement by seeing how tall they were.
"All About Me" Books

Songs/Finger Plays
I am Special
families are large
families are small
I love my family
of ALL!
Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
and toes
and toes
and toes
and toes
and ears and
and nose
Head, shoulders
and toes
and toes
I have two hands to clap with (clap)
One nose with which to smell (sniff)
I have one head to think with (tap head)
Two lungs that work quite well (take a deep breath)
I have two eyes that let me see (point to eyes)
I have two legs that walk (walk in place)
I have two ears that help me hear (cup hands to ears)
A mouth with which to talk. (point to mouth)
I have two hands to clap with (clap)
One nose with which to smell (sniff)
I have one head to think with (tap head)
Two lungs that work quite well (take a deep breath)
I have two eyes that let me see (point to eyes)
I have two legs that walk (walk in place)
I have two ears that help me hear (cup hands to ears)
A mouth with which to talk. (point to mouth)
Block Center
Since we are only in the second week of school, we are still exploring our centers. During this week they learned how to build houses (their house) with the blocks. One day we did wooden blocks, the next day we did cardboard brick blocks, and then we pulled out the foam blocks to explore. Not all stayed out at the same time!
Housekeeping/Dramatic Play center
This is an area where my students were able to explore with dress up. During this week I pulled out different dress up outfits so they could pretend "When I grow up" or pretend to be someone special to them, like mom or dad!
Manipulative Center
I introduced different puzzles and different connect toys this week, as we explored our different centers.
Our puzzles included different pictures of people, hand puzzles, and a house puzzle.
Book Center
In this center I allowed my students to explore the different books in the center: Board books, BIG books, and homemade books. I also pulled out the different people puppets for them to enjoy. We also explored with the listening center and read
Art Center
The students worked on several different projects this week.
The first project was a self portrait!
The body is just a sheet of construction paper. I let each student pick their favorite color. I then had them glue their hair color on their pre-cut head. Then they drew their eyes, glued on their pom-pom nose and drew their mouth. I traced their hands and cut them out as they were gluing. (Kindergarten students could trace each other hands and try to cut out their own hands)
Then each student completed the 'All About Me" sheet. You can download that sheet for free in my TPT store.
We also drew our self. We talked about the different shapes we could use and we discussed what we need in a self portrait: head, body, arms, legs, face, eyes, nose, mouth
We did hand prints to go along with our self portraits
We explored with measurement. I used streamers to see how tall each student was. They then created their face and I traced their feet. We put them together to create this:
The kids enjoyed actually seeing how tall they were and comparing it to their friends. |
This was a fun filled week! I hope you have enjoyed spending your time with Wheels on the Bus Preschool Learning. Next week we will explore Families.
If you enjoy my weekly themes/lessons please leave a comment. You may also visit my TPT store to view a variety of resources that I have created to use in my own classroom!
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